Mississauga Queensway Dental provides the best service for wisdom tooth extractions Mississauga. Wisdom teeth removal might seem daunting, but at Mississauga Queensway Dental, we’re dedicated to transforming your experience. Are you also suffering from a wisdom tooth extraction problem or experiencing discomfort it means that your wisdom tooth needs to be extracted as soon as possible. The surgical process of extracting one or more wisdom teeth involves the removal of the four permanent adult teeth that are situated in the top and bottom back corners of your mouth. Many people have difficulty eating properly, and experience impaction, crowding, or infection in their wisdom teeth, which may require extraction soon.

Our team of specialized oral surgeons and support staff have years of expertise in wisdom teeth extractions, using the latest advancements to minimize discomfort and ensure a speedy recovery. Wisdom teeth rise in the back of your mouth and sometimes emerge properly. But often, they grow in at an angle, causing infection, and pain to adjacent teeth. If you’re experiencing symptoms or your dentist recommends removal as a preventative measure, we’re here to help.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions Mississauga

Why do dentists extract wisdom teeth?

For some people, they come normally and don’t cause any problems. Many people do not have sufficient space in their jaws for these extra teethThis can cause wisdom teeth to grow in at an angle, only partially emerge, or get stuck in the gums. It causes damage, infection, and pain to neighboring teeth.

When It Is The High Time To Extract a Tooth?

It is the decision of the surgeon or sometimes various reasons come up there are a few situations when it is possible to extract a tooth immediately.

  1. Damage to other teeth: having an extra set of molars can force your other teeth out of position, which can lead to biting issues and mouth pain.
  2. Jaw damage: the new teeth may be surrounded by cysts. They can cause nerve damage and hollow out your jaw if left untreated.
  3. Sinus issues: pain, pressure, and congestion in the sinuses can result from issues with wisdom teeth.
  4. Inflamed gums: the surrounding tissue may expand and become difficult to clean.
  5. Cavities: inflamed gums can leave spaces between teeth where bacteria can thrive and cause cavities.
  6. Alignment: wisdom teeth that are impacted might squeeze out neighboring teeth and potentially necessitate orthodontic treatment.

Symptoms Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction:-

  1. Gum discomfort, oedema, erythema, or bleeding around wisdom teeth
  2. Pus originating on the gums
  3. Difficulty chewing, swallowing, or opening the mouth


  1. Increase the intake of liquid
  2. Apply an ice pack for at least 20 minutes on your face
  3. Avoid hot food that includes chai, coffee, and soup
  4. Follow all the instructions of your surgeon properly
  5. Take as much rest as you can
  6. Avoid physical activities

The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Process

Two types of wisdom tooth extractions: simple and surgical.

Simple Extractions: 

If the wisdom tooth has fully emerged into the mouth, then the dentist can perform a simple extractionThis is similar to having any other tooth pulled. The dentist will numb the site with a local anesthetic and then use an elevator to relieve the tooth, which they will then extract with dental forceps.

Surgical Extractions: 

If the wisdom teeth are affected, a surgical removal is needed. The dentist will give anesthesia so you won’t experience any pain during the process. To reach the tooth, the oral surgeon will cut the gums. To extract the tooth, they might need to remove bone or split it into portions. Usually, stitches are required to seal the wound. 


After the extraction, you’ll rest in the clinic for a bit before having someone drive you home. Your dentist will provide instructions on managing discomfort, swelling, and bleeding. It could be necessary for you to use prescription or over-the-counter painkillers. For a few days, limit your diet to soft foods; hot and spicy foods may cause the blood clot to come loose. 

Best Wisdom Tooth Extraction Dental Clinic in Mississauga

Most trust and the best wisdom tooth extraction Dental Clinic in Mississauga. In Mississauga, our skilled team has extracted countless wisdom teethTo make sure you’re as comfortable, we use the newest anesthetic options and technologies. Don’t allow your suffering to be caused by the anxiety of having your wisdom teeth extracted. Get in touch with Mississauga Queensway Dental right now to arrange your appointment!

for more information regarding wisdom tooth extraction  contact us at 905-896-0620