If you are looking forward to getting Porcelain Veneer treatment in Mississauga then we can fulfill your needs. One of the most popular methods to enhance your smile in Cosmetic dentistry is using porcelain veneers. Looking for the best dental service in Mississauga don’t worry we have got you covered. We at  Dental aim to provide you with the best dental service. At Polaris Dental, all dentistry services are provided under one roof.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are customised shells that fit over your teeth’ front surfaces, enhancing the look of the teeth by changing their colour and shape. Visit Polaris Dental for the best porcelain veneer doctor in Mississauga. There are many types of veneers but we specialise in porcelain veneers as they resist stain better. Dental Veneer is a cosmetic procedure used to enhance the look of your teeth.

Types Of Porcelain Veneers

• Porcelain Veneers
• Porcelain-fused to Metal Veneers
• Resin Veneers
• Composite Veneers
• Zirconia Veneers
• Lumineers Veneers
• Removable Veneers
• Palatal Veneers
• Cantilever Veneers

Two Types Of Porcelain Veneers

• Traditional
• No Prep

Who Should Opt For Porcelain Veneers

• Whose teeth have developed poor colour
• Those who have problems with fractured teeth
• Those who have developed gaps between teeth
• Whose tooth position is compromised and they face problems such as minor bite

Benefits Of Porcelain Veneers

• Veneers resists stains such as coffee stain, tea stain and cigarette stains.
• For teeth that resist whitening, veneers are a great option as they can make the teeth look whiter.

Application Of Porcelain Veneer On Natural Teeth

• Firstly, the teeth are cleansed properly
• A small amount of original tooth enamel is removed, usually less than a milli-metre.
• Then dental cement is used to bond the veneer to the natural teeth
• Then UV light is used to harden the cement and bond the veneer to the teeth